The college has well organized and well furnished library with adequate space and offering conducive atmosphere to the students for there studies and reference work. The library is also providing separate well equipped reading room. The library is continuously updated by adding latest books and subscribing to new scientific and technical journals. To keep all the students and staff aware with recent happenings college provides internet facility and various magazines.
The library is open for ready reference to the students for 12 hrs a day. It also contains all types of books educational Cd’s other than pharmacy which build good general knowledge and enhance personal development of students. Separate reading room facility available for under graduate student and P.G. Students.
Sahyadri College of Pharmacy, Methwade
Name of Library: Sahyadri Library
- Total No. of Books: 13195
- Total Cost of Books: 64,63,523/-
- Total No. of Titles: 3523
- Total No. of e Journals. = 28
1) National – 17 2) International – 11 - Reading Room Capacity: 60
- Total no. of E- Books
D.Pharm= 3357, B Pharm= 4000, M. Pharm.= 3500.